CIRRUS Monthly Proficiency Program
Landings: Set Up for a Safe Touchdown


The CIRRUS Role in Safe Landings

CIRRUS is dedicated in helping educate and train pilots to fly their airplane safely.

July’s CIRRUS Monthly Proficiency Program provides information that will help you improve your skills at safely landing a CIRRUS SR22 or SR20. While much of this month’s Proficiency Program information applies to executing safe landings in general, other information is specific to CIRRUS airplane design and performance characteristics.

Review the Ground Segment for input and direction for executing each step of the landing process. Use the Flight Segment to put the information you learned in the ground segment into practice. Finally, measure your fight proficiency for normal landings using the Completion Standards, which we have provided for you.

Causes of Landing Accidents

Loss of control is the single most common cause of landing accidents. The CIRRUS Monthly Proficiency Program for July will provide you with tips and insights that will help you safely execute a normal approach to landing.

Information provided by AOPA. © 2002-2007

For a Printable PDF version of AOPA's
Take Off And Landing Brief, CLICK HERE.