CIRRUS Monthly Proficiency
Landings: Set Up for a Safe Touchdown
Completion Objectives
Your CIRRUS Monthly Proficiency Program
for July is complete when
you are:
- Aware of, and consistently practice, the proper
power settings, airpseed, flap settings and pitch for a Cirrus
SR22 or SR20 at each leg of a normal landing.
- Aware of and know how to avoid common landing
- Incorporate the information contained in this
month's Ground Segment, you have completed ten landings and two
Thanks for visiting CIRRUS Pilot’s World
and taking the July Monthly Proficiency Program. We hope you enjoyed
the experience and that it has helped to increase your awareness,
skill and proficiency in safely landing your CIRRUS SR22 or SR20.
Please take a moment to give us your feedback about
this month’s course. Your suggestions will help us provide
you with courses to improve your all-around flying safety and enjoyment The CIRRUS Pilot’s World Development Team |
Write to us at: pilotsworld@cirrusdesign.com.